CNN’s Don Lemon uses royal interview to push racism narrative

March 10, 2021

By Don Irvine

CNN’s Don Lemon jumped on the Duchess of Sussex’s claim that while she was pregnant with her son Archie, there were “concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born,” adding that the details were relayed by her husband Prince Harry, but didn’t name the source since it would be “very damaging.”

The Duchess, known to most people as former actress Meghan Markle, made the bombshell accusation during an interview along with her husband by Oprah Winfrey on Sunday night.

Lemon took Markle’s statement as a cue to continue his charge that racism is rampant.

“Listen, we shouldn’t be surprised that you have a black woman from America who in their eyes is a commoner and then you have this white, redhead British royal, people wanted to know what the baby was going to look like,” Lemon said Monday on CNN.  “But what matters is your reaction. If you say, ‘Oh, this baby is going to be a beautiful brown baby with red hair, I can’t wait to see it,’ then that’s a different reaction from, ‘Oh my dear, what color is his skin? Is he going to be too dark?'”

“When people say, ‘Oh, well we haven’t heard from the other side,’ what’s the other side going to say?” Lemon continued. “They’re going to say, ‘Of course we’re not racist,’ or whatever, but what did they do? Think about their actions. They did not stand up for their own because their own is married to a black woman, had a black child. They didn’t listen to him inside of the Royal Family. They let him go, they let him leave the country. They wouldn’t come to terms with what they [Harry and Meghan] wanted to do.”

“So listen, we have only heard from one side, but that one side at this point rings very true.”

Last summer, Lemon compared U.S. citizens to flowers planted in tainted soil.

“It depends on the nutrients in the soil. So if you grew up in America, you came out of American soil. Considering the history of this country … how can you not be racist? How can you not have racial blindspots, how can you not see that the factory reset in America is whiteness?”

“The factory reset in America is … two cars, the American dream, which was built on what? On whiteness. And so, once you think about it like that, if you are any other ethnicity, the factory reset is not you; which means the norm is set to your standard and [white] people who look like you, which means it favors you … Everything favors you.”



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