Biden ups vaccination goal just days after AP reporter calls him out on it

January 26, 2021

By Don Irvine

After the Associated Press’ Zeke Miller called President Joe Biden out for setting a low bar for vaccinations in his first 100 days in office, Biden announced Monday that he was now aiming for a 50% increase from before.

Biden had chosen 100 million doses in 100 days as his goal and stuck by it even after Miller pointed out to him last week that the U.S. was already near that goal based on the seven-day average reported by the Bloomberg Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker.

The current seven-day average is now 1.25 million, according to the tracker.

As a result, Biden is now upping the ante — a little.

“I hope we’ll be able to increase as we go along so we’ll get to 1.5 million. That’s my hope,” Biden told reporters, saying that one million shots per day is still his minimum goal.

While that is a larger number than before it’s still a low bar considering the current seven-day average and could easily be surpassed in the next week or two, giving Biden something to boast about while the media approvingly nods their collective heads.



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