‘This will be a long, long campaign‘ AIM fights antisemitism on college campuses

October 20, 2022

By Accuracy In Media

Originally published at The Jewish News of Northern California
Hitler truck display at UC Berkeley alarms Jews in campus community
October 14, 2022

A provocative ad campaign against antisemitism that used a digital image of Hitler raising his right arm concerned many at UC Berkeley this week and disturbed members of the Jewish community, according to the campus Hillel.

The mobile ad campaign consisted of a black box truck bearing digital images of a uniformed Adolf Hitler alongside other Nazis. It had been parked in front of Berkeley Law, according to Accuracy in Media president Adam Guillette, but then circled the campus after the rock-throwing incident.

The impetus behind the campaign, Guillette said, was outrage over a rise in antisemitism on college campuses.

“Things have gone from ‘very bad’ to ‘even worse,’” he wrote in a text message from an airplane to J., saying he had met with “thousands of students on literally hundreds of campuses throughout North America over the last two decades.”

“The amount of hatred, intolerance, and antisemitism is morally outrageous and it’s time for us to (non-violently) fight back,” he wrote.

As to criticism that the campaign was disturbing, Guillette said, “the growing anti-semitic climate on America’s universities is exceptionally disturbing, and it’s time we stood up to these hateful bullies.”

Read the entire article at The Jewish News of Northern California


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