Parents speak out after seeing undercover video of Upper Arlington educator

February 15, 2023

By Accuracy In Media

Originally published at ABC6 WSYX
Parents speak out after seeing undercover video of Upper Arlington educator
Isabelle Hanson | February 8, 2023

UPPER ARLINGTON, Ohio (WSYX) — A video captured by an undercover camera sparked controversy in Upper Arlington.

The footage shows Matthew Boaz, the district’s Executive Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, talking about critical race theory.

The group, Accuracy in Media, is behind the video. Two people disguised as parents interested in enrolling a student in the district recorded the video on an undercover camera in the summer of 2022. An edited version of the footage was released in January 2023.

“The first line of the Upper Arlington Schools’ mission statement says to challenge and support every student,” said Josh Quinn, a parent of one student. “This discussion is not about one man’s job who found himself unfairly caught in political crossfire.”

“It appears he believes that the DEI program and initiatives he manages do not need to fall under policies of the school district and looking for loopholes to get around potential pending legislation with the state,” said Sally Boyer, a parent of three Upper Arlington graduates.

More than 100 parents, grandparents, graduates, and community members attended Tuesday’s board of education meeting. Many of them shared their thoughts during the public participation part of the meeting.

“Based on recent national coverage, it is apparent to me that I would not get accurate information as to what curriculum is actually being taught in our district,” said Kerry, a parent of 4 current Upper Arlington students. “This discussion is about a high school level official undermining the role of parents in children’s lives.”

Read the entire article at ABC6 WSYX.


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