Ohio school districts struggle to rebut undercover video of staffers saying they misled parents

January 24, 2023

By Accuracy In Media

Originally published at The Tennessee Star
Ohio School Districts Struggle to Rebut Undercover Video of Staffers Saying They Mislead Parents
Greg Piper | January 22, 2023

The Columbus-area clips apparently feature two actors probing staff at Upper Arlington Schools, Bexley City Schools and Groveport Madison Schools about how they expose students to CRT, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and social and emotional learning (SEL).

Guillette sounds like the lead actor in the clips but didn’t answer when Just the News asked. Asked how they presented themselves to meet with school staff, he wrote in an email: “Our investigative team uses a variety of ploys that vary from time to time.”

In the UA Schools clips, DEI Executive Director Matthew Boaz says he now understands his parents’ oft-cited phrase “there’s more than one way to skin a cat.”

“So whether you can pass a bill that you can’t teach CRT in the classroom [is one thing], but if you didn’t cover programming or … extracurricular activities or something like that, that message might still get out,” he says.

“Oops,” he adds as the actors chuckle. “There’ll be a way.”

The administrator explains how the district responded when people asked if it was teaching CRT “in the curriculum,” which Boaz called “a talking point … from a certain news channel.”

Read the entire article at The Tennessee Star.


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