Another Israeli news outlet covers AIM’s fight against antisemites

January 23, 2023

By Accuracy In Media

Originally published at All Israel News
‘Shocking’ video exposes school officials plotting to ‘trick’ Ohio parents, teach CRT
By All Israel News Staff | January 22, 2023

Conservative watchdog group Accuracy in Media sent trucks with signs that read, “Berkeley Law’s antisemite class of 2023” to park outside the homes of students from Berkeley Law School who reportedly participated in bans against Zionist speakers at the school.

The group sent a pair of trucks with mounted billboards to “visit” the Texas neighborhoods of two students while they were home over the winter break.

The campaign is the latest episode in a long-running dispute over anti-Zionism at University of California, Berkeley, which began when several student groups, including Students for Justice in Palestine, voted to ban Zionist speakers from addressing their students.

Read the entire article at All Israel News.


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