The Daily Dot has it wrong with double standard on sexual misconduct

August 11, 2021

By Accuracy in Media Staff

In the wake of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s resignation, the Daily Dot alleges the existence of a double standard between Democrats and Republicans on sexual misconduct. There is, in fact, a double standard. But, the evidence shows that Republicans are held to a much higher standard and Democrats are protected by the mainstream media and often given a pass.

“His resignation announcement has led the internet to wonder when Republicans accused of sexual misconduct will be held to the same standard [as Cuomo],” a Daily Dot article says. “The dichotomy between the consequences Democrats face after such accusations and the relative free pass Republicans seem to receive has many social media users frustrated and angry.”

The article uses Cuomo’s resignation to pounce on former President Donald Trump, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Justice Kavanaugh, for one, was under more scrutiny than Cuomo. Mainstream media spilled copious amounts of ink about Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh. Lindsey Boylan, on the other hand, was initially ignored by liberal corporate media.

This runs deeper. Roberta Kaplan, former chairwoman of Time’s Up, resigned Monday amid criticism of the efforts she led to attempt to discredit Boylan. Time’s Up was founded by Hollywood women in the #MeToo-era to combat sexual misconduct.

The Left are protected by their hypocrisy and seen as the standard-bearers of sexual conduct. It was this same powerful protection that compelled Cuomo to boast to an adoring female supporter last March, “I’m not going anywhere, darling.” 

Democrats claim to believe all women’s sexual misconduct allegations except when they’re levied against their own. President Joe Biden was accused of sexually assaulting a woman in the early 1990s. Rather than applying the “Believe All Women” standard without searching for corroborating evidence, liberal media approached her claims skeptically, if at all. Politico attacked her character in a story entitled, “‘Manipulative, deceitful, user’: Tara Reade left a trail of aggrieved acquaintances.”

As Dan McLaughlin wrote in National Review, “The cleanest way to avoid discussion of the credibility of your witnesses is to argue that their credibility is irrelevant.”

Former President Trump and Rep. Gaetz have been lambasted by the Left for sexual misconduct allegations. Senate Democrats used a claim against the then-Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh as a last resort to attempt to block his nomination.

The Daily Dot is not wrong; they simply have it backward.



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