Teen Vogue runs most bizarre ‘patriarchy’ piece yet

July 14, 2022

By Tim Worstall

Teen Vogue fails dismally at its self-proclaimed job of educating the influencers of tomorrow – and that really is how the outlet describes its own mission. They’re failing to inform their audience of teenage girls that Harry Potter was, no really, a fantasy novel. Not, at all, a reflection of any form of reality.

What Teen Vogue has done is run an article about how witches can beat the patriarchy. Patriarchus expeliarmus perhaps? No, really. It’s a piece headlined, “How to Hex the Patriarchy: A Spell For Reproductive Justice.”

Now we can think of fun ways to run such a story – they all end with and yes, that’s not real, and so if you want to change the world, then get out there and change it. Which isn’t the way Teen Vogue runs it. It really does run it as make a spell, cast the incantation, burn the incense and… nonsense, that is.

“Melissa Jayne Madara, magical practitioner and bestselling author of The Witch’s Feast: A Kitchen Grimoire wrote the following spell that we can all do to advocate for bodily autonomy and justice,” the piece continues.

They run this seriously. Of course the standard Teen Vogue bias is there: “They had several spin-off covens throughout the country, composed of radical feminists who wanted to expose capitalism as the true enemy of women’s freedom.” But that’s to be expected from this source. That capitalism is what created the wealth that enabled women – as with men – to become free gets missed.

Teen Vogue markets itself as “educating the influencers of tomorrow” and clearly and obviously that target market is teenage girls. Which, to our mind, is a noble aim – we’d like both teenage girls (and boys, catered to elsewhere) to be educated and that those who influence future society know what they’re doing.

Teaching the youth this: “On the night of the new moon, tidy your altar after sunset and prepare your space for ritual as you normally do (meditation, calling the quarters, reciting the LBRP, etc). “ doesn’t meet the test of contributing to that goal.

Teen Vogue is a part of the Condé Nast empire and as such has access to the financial resources to do vastly better than this. Sadly, even with this sort of content it ranks around 500 in U.S. news media sources and gains some 5 million visits a month.

Harry Potter and Twilight are novels, stories for children. Education is the process of being able to distinguish these from reality. As for witches – how does this mesh with the generally accepted truth that the Salem trials were all of innocents unjustly persecuted?




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