NYT changes tune on deficits for Biden vs. Trump budgets

June 4, 2021

By Accuracy in Media Staff

President Joe Biden rolled out a massive $6 trillion budget proposal the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. The response from the New York Times was vastly different from the criticism of former President Donald Trump’s $4.15 trillion budget in 2018.

One Trump-era headline claims,

With regard to Biden’s proposed budget, one NYT article reported,

“The proposal for the 2022 fiscal year and ensuing decade shows the sweep of Mr. Biden’s ambitions to wield government power to help more Americans attain the comforts of a middle-class life and to lift U.S. industry to better compete globally.”

Biden is lauded by the NYT for his “ambitions” and “upgrades” to middle-class social structures, while sending the U.S. into an unprecedented harrowing $30 trillion debt. 

The New York Times claims the budget will is to make the U.S. more competitive in one headline:

When the budget proposal was nearly $2 trillion less, the New York Times slammed the Trump budget for its projected deficits and cuts to Democrat programs.

“The president’s budget quickly antagonized Democrats while making clear the contours of how he plans to run for re-election,” according to the Times. “It is replete with aggressively optimistic economic assumptions and appeals to his core constituents, and it envisions deep cuts to programs that Democrats hold dear. Yet it projects trillion-dollar deficits for the next four years and does not balance the budget for 15 years.”

Now that the Biden proposal projects a 1.3 trillion deficit for the next decade, the NYT seemes to have little to say about that fact in the introduction of the proposal as it did during the Trump administration.


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