Network of doctors on Twitter pushing strict Covid policies discovered to be fake accounts

January 10, 2023

By The Post Millennial

In December, Twitter user Joshua Gutterman Tranen discovered a web of at least four fake Twitter accounts, all with bios saying they were allies to the LGBTQ+ community, that was pushing maximum caution over Covid along with absolute adherence to authoritative Covid policies such as masking and social distancing.

The San Francisco Standard reports that Gutterman Tranen uncovered the hoax by first investigating the Twitter user, Dr. Robert Honeyman, whose pinned tweet from November 12, 2022, reads, “My sister has passed away from Covid. The last couple of days have been difficult I won’t be responsive on here for a while. When I’m back all Covid minimisers will be blocked straight away.. I’m out of patience.”

“If you could follow me on this platform I need as much people round me as possible right now. Feeling empty sadness,” the account added.

Gutterman Tranen uncovered that Dr. Robert Honeyman’s photo was from, “DepositPhotos, a royalty-free image site, as ‘Smiling happy, handsome latino man outside—headshot portrait’,” reports the San Francisco Standard.

Continue reading at The Post Millennial here.


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