Mic claims all justices who pray are inherently biased, must recuse themselves

July 7, 2022

By Tim Worstall

Mic appears to think that if you pray with someone then you’re too biased to possibly be allowed to interact with that person in government. Which would pose a certain problem with the Presidential Prayer Breakfasts over the years. But this is really what they’re trying to say: 

“While Liberty Counsel’s founder denied to Rolling Stone that any prayer sessions with Supreme Court justices ever took place, D.C. Ministry founder Rob Schenck told the magazine that he had prayed with several justices within the court building itself as recently as the last decade.”

And that’s it — that’s the heart of their case. Therefore, any justice who has ever done this must recuse himself and – well, you can guess the rest of it. Public prayer is something that is generally done in the community, as part of a group.

Actually, we recall the controversy over then-President Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright, and their relationship was a great deal closer than the occasional joint prayer. But that, back then, was different of course. Because, well, reasons. 

The reasons are that this isn’t actually a complaint about people praying together or whether if they do that might lead to conflicts of interest. It’s simply part of the political battle to stop things that Mic doesn’t like and to advance those that it does.

 After all, people who believe in group prayer indulge in group prayer. Scandal, eh? 

Mic aims itself largely at millennials and gains 2 million or so visits a month. It’s also part of the same group as Bustle.


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