Lady Gaga shows hypocrisy in performing at Biden inauguration

January 15, 2021

By Accuracy in Media Staff

Stars have lined up to perform at the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States.

Lady Gaga is one of the most popular singers in recent history, but she is ridden with hypocrisy when it comes to her views on supporting sexual assault victims. 

She was outspoken on Twitter in her support for the Democratic candidates, and her excitement at the opportunity to perform for them, despite the fact Joe Biden has a sexual assault allegation against him among other claims of misconduct towards women he worked with in 1993.


Since the beginning of the Internet phenomenon #MeToo, Lady Gaga has been a loud advocate detailing her own experience with assault. She tweeted an emotional message in support of the women who were victimized by R. Kelly. 

The singer stated, “…but I can go forward and continue to support women, men and people of all sexual identities, and of all races, who are victims of sexual assault.” 


In 2016, Gaga performed her moving ballad “Til It Happens to You” at the Academy Awards, with real survivors of sexual assault beside her. 

Then in 2018, went on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to implore the public to believe the allegations of assault by Christine Blasey Ford on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. 

Now, Lady Gaga has made it clear that she does not believe all women.

If she had believed Tara Reade, and the other women who accused the president-elect of sexual assault, and stood by all women as she claims she does, she likely wouldn’t be performing in celebration for his election to Commander in Chief. 

Lady Gaga’s hypocrisy towards how she views women who claim to be victims of sexual assault is nothing new to mainstream media. The New York Times, CNN and other major news outlets aimed to attack and discredit Reade’s story.

Ultimately, Lady Gaga is unlikely to face backlash for her inconsistent views on the #MeToo and #BelieveAllWomen movements as long as it benefits her favorite politicians.



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