HuffPost White House correspondent makes wild claim about Capitol riot

May 25, 2021

By John Ransom

HuffPost White House correspondent S.V. Dáte tweeted out this week that the riot on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol was 1,000 times worse than if United Flight 93 had flown into the Capitol on September 11, 2001. 

He later followed up by saying that yes, 3,000 people died on 9/11, but at least Trump wasn’t president, inciting insurrection. 

Previously, Dáte had penned a book called “Useful Idiot” about President Donald Trump and “the laundry list of things Donald Trump has been terrible at in his life, transforming our country into a fascist autocracy.” 

Date is styled a senior White House correspondent for HuffPost. 

His Twitter posts are filled with accusations about the riot on January 6, including calling the rioters the “1/6 terrorists.” 

Dáte first came to prominence by asking Trump in a press conference: “Mr. President, after three and a half years do you regret at all, all the lying you’ve done to the American people?”

When the president didn’t understand the question, HuffPost’s senior White House correspondent replied: “All the lying, all the dishonesty… You have done.”

Later, he confessed on Twitter that he’d been dying to ask the question of Trump for five years. 

It was the American equivalent of the time when the Iraqi journalist threw a shoe at George W. Bush.  

Dáte didn’t ask a question so much as threw a tantrum.  

Dáte’s articles at HuffPost are a compendium of nearly obsessive word game and shaming of Trump and anyone who ever said anything nice about Trump, who, by the way, hasn’t been in the White House in nearly four months. 

Trump Acquitter Marco Rubio Likely To Face Trump Prosecutor Val Demings In Senate Race,” says one recent headline of an article penned by Dáte. 

“Georgia Lt. Gov. Who Spoke Out Against Trump’s Lies Decides Not To Seek Reelection,” says another headline. 

Of the last 20 articles by Dáte, 15 are about Trump and 3 are about Biden and the 2 are about elections in Florida. 

More truthfully, Dáte should be called the senior Trump correspondent for HuffPost, not a White House correspondent.  


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