For Waukesha reactions, we can be truly unthankful to the press

November 22, 2021

By John Ransom

We can thank the press for the speculation about, the expectation for and anticipation of the war that has already commenced regarding the causes of the tragedy in Waukesha where five people were killed and over 40 more injured when an SUV plowed into a Christmas parade on Sunday. 

It’s a gift this holiday season that we should be truly unthankful for. 

There wasn’t a single person in America who didn’t think about the Rittenhouse case when they first heard that a vehicle had seemingly, reportedly and deliberately slammed into the tail end of a parade in the small Wisconsin town just 50 miles north of Kenosha where the Rittenhouse trial took place. 

And why shouldn’t we think that way? 

If you are a reader of the pages of Vice News, for example, a site that caters to young-ish progressives who seem to want revolution now, you would think that around every corner there are white Nazis, GOP provocateurs and police determined to mow down protesters and/or Black people and/or immigrants. 

Of the stories on the front page today at Vice News, the top story is about the nefarious “coup” plotters from the GOP who run the House caucuses; one story is about Neo Nazis going to jail for plotting the murder of Antifa rivals; three are about the Rittenhouse verdict, an outcome with which Vice News was clearly not pleased calling it “unfairly guided by a controversial judge.” Other stories include police chasing immigrants with cars and running them down—Greece; Nazi costumes being worn by cops — in Colombia; and police tear-gassing immigrants in front of razor-wire fencing — in Belarus. 

That jumble of images is clearly intended to convey to readers that Nazis and Republicans – usually the same thing for Vice — threaten the very lives of people each and every day in America, right where they live.   

It doesn’t matter that the people who read Vice News in their daily life have as little to do with real American Neo-Nazis as they do with the Belarus immigration system, publications like Vice News inculcate a siege mentality amongst America’s most radical and impressionable progressives.  

And in turn, America’s most impressionable progressives react in a manner that inculcates a siege mentality amongst American conservatives. 

The examples of threat-counterthreat between the two antagonists are too legion to list. 

You only need to know that when using the search term in Twitter “no justice, no peace” — the clarion call to violent protests by progressives — the top result says “Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty.” 



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