Chicago heist begs question: Should Chicago hire own Rittenhouse to protect retailers?

December 13, 2021

By John Ransom

Progressive flagship publications like Vox and BuzzFeed News have peddled so-called criminal justice reform for years on behalf of the alt-Left community, arguing that our criminal justice system is both racist and elitist.

And while a case can certainly be made that in the aggregate and the partial some of these accusations about racism might have some truth, as the country faces a crime wave of startling proportions, it’s important for publications like Vox and BuzzFeed now tell us how to fix those parts of criminal justice reform that they have gotten wrong so far.

In case you missed it, a Chicago car dealer lost more than $1 million in wristwatches over the weekend in an armed smash-and-grab robbery, during which armed security guards failed to stop thieves when the guards were too worried about lawsuits to stop the robbers.

“We’re here to run a legitimate business, not be a Western shootout,” Joe Perillo, co-owner of Gold Coast Exotic Motor Cars, told ABC7 about the theft, according to Fox News.

“He was smart enough not to raise the gun, because my people had guns,” Perillo said of one of the robbers. “If he raised that gun, he would have been shot, we’d probably be in court defending ourselves,” against racism or other crimes attributed by progressives to the propertied class.

The criminal justice system, at least as it works in Chicago, may be serving the needs of the progressive political class, like Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and her ally, District Attorney Kim Foxx (of Jussie Smollett fame), and their journalist-activists from Vox and BuzzFeed, but they aren’t serving the general Chicago community.

Perillo used to be a supporter, a voter for Lightfoot. But not anymore.

“The mayor and Kim Foxx have to take a firm stand. It is wrong for someone to walk in, break into a place. And if they get caught, they get let out,” Perillo said.

Enough is enough,” Perillo said, according to Newsweek.

Why would any constituent ever have to plead with the city’s leaders like this to keep them safe?

Maybe this is just the price of progressive progress?

Last week, the city’s police force threatened to shut down the Loop, the prime downtown business district, by raising the Chicago River bridges connecting it to the rest of the city after police arrested 21 people in the wake of a 15-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl being shot at a  social media-advertised party that told city youth to come party downtown.

The bridges have been raised and used as iron blockades during past civil disorder in Chicago to prevent throngs of looters and vandals from moving between sections of the downtown,” reported ABC7 News.

It’s gotten so bad that the police now have plans reminiscent of medieval times to deal with public disorder.

But at least the police are thinking. Lightfoot and the other happy captains of the progressive thought brigade still don’t have a clue.

Last week, Lightfoot blamed the increased violence and robberies on complacent retailers.

“We still have retailers that won’t institute plans like having security officers in their stores, making sure that they’ve got cameras that are actually operational, locking up their merchandise at night,” Lightfoot told reporters, according to Law Enforcement Today.

Then came the Perillo robbery this weekend where there were guns and cameras and security aplenty by the good guys, yet even this failed to deter robbers.

How many more guns does Perillo have to buy Lightfoot? Does he have to hire a Kyle Rittenhouse to protect his store?

We’ll all wait while you go ask Vox and BuzzFeed and get back to us.


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