Joy Behar suggests Dems ignore Cuomo’s sexual harassment allegations

March 4, 2021

By Ella Carroll-Smith

Three women have now come forward and accused New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. On Tuesday’s episode of The View, host Joy Behar suggested that Democrats should “ignore everything” regarding the scandal in hopes that it will go away. 

This is a big change from Behar’s stance on Christine Blasey Ford back in 2018. Then, Behar was a staunch advocate of Kavanaugh’s accusers. In response to the possibility of Kavanaugh getting confirmed to the Supreme Court despite allegations of sexual assault, Behar said, “The message to boys is: If you become a powerful man, you are allowed to grope a woman… And that’s a very bad message.”

Behar mocked Trump’s defense of Kavanaugh at the time, saying, “It’s touching how he stands behind anyone who’s been accused of sexual assault.” She criticized Republican senators’ push to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, saying, “They figure they’ll push him in. They’ll get their way, and then we’ll find out the guy is guilty. What good is that?” 

Now that Cuomo, a Democrat, is the one who stands accused, Behar has wavered on the issue of guilt. Instead, Behar wants to use what she calls the “Republican playbook.”

“Let’s hope that this goes away and let’s not really go into it,” Behar said. 

As reported by Fox News, Republicans did not look the other way with Kavanaugh in 2018.

“The 11th-hour misconduct charges against him by Christine Blasey Ford resulted in additional hearings by the GOP-Controlled Senate Judiciary committee in 2018. There was also a federal investigation into Ford’s accusation.” 

While Behar did go on to suggest we should “investigate this time,” it’s unclear what timeline she’s advocating for. Back in 2018, she found Julie Swetnick and Blasey Ford credible despite a lack of evidence. Now, there are photographs of Andrew Cuomo inappropriately touching a woman and video of inappropriate comments to a reporter.  



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