Amazon’s ‘Mayor Pete’ shows Democratics have a friend in today’s doc filmmakers

October 19, 2021

By Christian Toto

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is under fire for being MIA for two-plus months while the globe’s supply chain hit “crisis” mode.

The nation is reeling as it tries to sort out the shipping crisis that is hitting Americans in the wallet and causing a shortage of clothing, sneakers, bicycles and cars.

The supply disruption threatens to increase the cost of toys as much as 10 percent and jeopardize the likelihood of in-demand gifts even being in stock this Christmas — but Buttigieg didn’t indicate any sense of emergency over the crisis.

“Mayor Pete” to the rescue!

The Amazon documentary, out Nov. 12, offers a fawning look at the former South Bend, Indiana mayor as he crashes the Democratic primary in 2020.

Here’s the official description from Amazon PR:

Mayor Pete brings viewers inside Pete’s campaign to be the youngest U.S. President, providing an unprecedented intimacy with the candidate, his husband Chasten, and their ambitious team. From the earliest days of the campaign, to his unlikely, triumphant victory in Iowa and beyond. This film reveals what really goes on inside a campaign for the highest office in the land – and the myriad ways it changes the lives of those at its center. Recently appointed to U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Buttigieg serves as the first openly LGBTQ Cabinet member in U.S. history.’s review wants a deeper dive into the real Pete Buttigieg, but it acknowledges the obvious about the film’s intentions.

“Consciously or not, this admiring portrait can’t help but feel like an ad for Buttigieg’s next attempt at the throne…”

Even the far-left, which supports Cancel Culturequestioned the validity of the film. “Decent Documentary, or Cleverly Crafted Campaign Ad?” asks the review’s headline.

Did anyone think Amazon, a platform that routinely lashes out at right-leaning content, would share a warts-and-all documentary on Buttigieg?

It’s only a fraction of the overall documentary picture, though.


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